Queensland Holocaust Museum - Digital Experience

our role

Creative Design and Development
Digital Development
User Experience Design
User Interface Design
3D Modelling


Designed to decentralise the typical linear museum experience and created to attract new audiences as well as those familiar with the subject, the Holocaust is identified as a significant moment in history and of significance to those survivors who called Queensland home. As part of an integrated live, digital, and touring program to engage and educate a broad range of audiences, the digital museum experience brings the worlds’ first digital immersive holocaust museum to life. An ambitious, challenging, and pioneering program designed to unlock and reimagine hundreds of pieces of content [both still and moving imagery].  


“From the outset our teams worked to reimagine the decentralised museum experience – to create empathy and understanding we have used the elements of dimension and curiosity in powerful new ways. Designed to balance engagement with discovery and to achieve resonance, we drew inspiration from a wide range of inputs; architecture, culture, literature, music, and art and matched these elements to the latest immersive digital technologies. The Australian’ has recognised the solution as one of the 50 inventions changing the world and we’re very proud of what the team has achieved…” says Designteam project strategy and creative lead Adam Mortimer. 

The digital environment had to be accessible to audiences local, national, and global while also complimenting the new physical museum space now open in Brisbane, Queensland.  With a working theme of ‘curious and unexpected’ our teams used the latest in immersive digital technologies: a seamless and self-navigated journey of discovery, connection and understanding. 


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